The Journal Newsletter – April 2001

This month’s “How I Use The Journal” article by Kent Eaton focuses on how he uses The Journal in “alternative learning.” Since my wife & I are homeschooling our son, I was particularly interested in this. If anyone else has an education-related journaling theme they want to write about, I would love to hear from you. Susan is back with another couple of writing exercises, and I present a short explanation of the useful-but-obscure “Paste Special” in the Tips & Tricks section.

The Journal Newsletter – March 2001

I give a short description of how I organize my information about The Journal. Pete Hollyer presents another detailed usage tip for The Journal, this time focusing on entry links. Neal Hallford, noted computer game-designer and author of an upcoming book on computer game design has submitted a “guest writing exercise.” Plus, Michael Boyter, author of the e-Book “The MemoryGrabber”, has written an article about “journaling for tomorrow”, so be sure to check those out.

The Journal Newsletter – September 2000

I was pleasantly surprised when last month (August) turned out to be the second-best month for The Journal ever. Only January of this year surpassed it. For the curious, January of any given year is usually the best month. I surmise that this is because of New Years Resolutions combined with a lot of “Internet freetime” brought about from all the paid holidays. In any case, it was cool.