Happy Groundhog Day! Happy Valentine’s Day! Etc. Pick your favorite minor holiday, and enjoy it! Susan gives us a new set of writing exercises, and our tip this month describes how to create new entry categories in The Journal. Also, Peter Henry gives us a very personal “How I Use The Journal”.
The Journal Newsletter – January 2004
Happy New Year! Susan takes a break from cropping photos of the kids to give us a new set of writing exercises, and our tip this month describes how to use the new Post To Blog feature of The Journal.
The Journal Newsletter – November 2003
This month’s tip describes The Journal’s Web browser-like Back and Forward commands on the Go menu, and Susan gives us a new collection of writing exercises (none of which have anything to do with turkey đŸ˜‰ ).
The Journal Newsletter – October 2003
Susan has given us our monthly set of writing exercises–plus a few extra–and this month’s tip is about using The Journal over a home network.
The Journal Newsletter – September 2003
First off, our apologies for not getting the newsletter out in August. We’re back this month, though, with a new tip for using The Journal, new writing exercises from Susan, and a new article.
The Journal Newsletter – July 2003
Susan has given us our monthly set of writing exercises, and this month’s tip is about putting buttons on The Journal’s toolbar that insert templates.
The Journal Newsletter – June 2003
Susan has given us a new set of writing exercises, and this month’s tip is about synchronizing two copies of The Journal.
The Journal Newsletter – May 2004
In addition to new writing exercises from Susan, and a new tip for using The Journal (assigning hot-keys for text styles), we have a short article describing a quick-and-easy journaling technique.
The Journal Newsletter – April 2003
Susan provides another set of writing exercises, and this month’s tip discusses how to use the new Calendar Charms feature of The Journal.
The Journal Newsletter – March 2003
The Journal now supports Memorygrabber. Our tip section this week describes how to use The Journal’s new packages, while Susan gives us another collection of writing exercises.