The Big News this month is the release of The Journal 4.1! You can read about what’s new (and what’s fixed) in the News section. Sande Chen discusses gratitude journals in her article this month, and Susan offers up a new set of writing exercises.
The Journal Newsletter – March 2006
Sande Chen returns with an article about dream journaling, and Susan gives another set of writing exercises. Plus, I describe the various backup settings The Journal provides.
The Journal Newsletter – February 2006
This month, Jim Talkington describes how he keeps track of software registration keys in The Journal, and Sande Chen talks about the benefits of journaling. And, as always, Susan provides a new collection of writing prompts.
The Journal Newsletter – January 2006
Happy New Year! Susan has a new set of writing exercises, and we have a clever new tip, sent in by The Journal user Joan Korte, about inserting comments into your entries.
The Journal Newsletter – December 2005
Susan provides a new set of writing exercises, and I created another free add-on package for this month’s Tips & Tricks. This package utilizes the new “Default Entry Template” feature (and a bug-fix in Build #163) to create a simple address book category.
The Journal Newsletter – November 2005
In “Tips & Tricks” I describe the new bookmark feature, and Susan provides a new set of writing exercises. For those of you that are participating in this year’s NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month, ): Good luck!
The Journal Newsletter – October 2005
This month, I combined a bit of United States history with some new features of The Journal to create a simple but powerful new template. Susan also provides a new set of writing exercises.
The Journal Newsletter – September 2005
Susan gives us a new set of writing exercises, and I have a couple of new tips about using the new “Default Entry Template” feature and how to get The Journal to start with Windows.
The Journal Newsletter – August 2005
We have a new update of The Journal. Plus, Susan is back with a new set of writing exercises, and I have a couple of new tips about using The Journal’s repair database function and new command line parameter.
The Journal Newsletter – July 2005
We have a new release of The Journal 4 this month. Check out “The Journal News” for details. We also have a new set of writing exercises, a few new tips for using the new topics feature, and I describe how I use The Journal and WordPress to have a photo blog.