The Journal Newsletter – December 2004

The Journal Newsletter

December 2004


This is the first newsletter since the release of The Journal 4 last month. The Journal 4 is a major new version of The Journal, so we’re giving some pointers to those of you who are upgrading from The Journal 3.

Also, Susan provides a new set of writing exercises.

I hope your Holidays have been Happy, and your New Year will be Grand!

Thank you for using DavidRM Software’s The Journal!

Tips & Tricks


We have a collection of tips this month, to help users who are upgrading from The Journal 3 to The Journal 4. The tips are:

  • Moving your Add-On Packages into The Journal 4
  • Getting the new Topic & Table Toolbars
  • Getting the new Example Templates
  • Features of Interest to The Journal 3 Users

TIP: Moving your Add-On Packages into The Journal 4

If you have purchased add-on packages for The Journal 3, such as MemoryGrabber and Writing Prompts 1, you can use them in The Journal 4.

The easiest way to get the packages into The Journal 4 is to run the installation again:

  1. Make sure The Journal is not running.
  2. Run the installation program for the package. When asked for the folder to install into, change it from:

    C:\Program Files\DavidRM Software\The Journal 3\Package\


    C:\Program Files\DavidRM Software\The Journal 4\Package\

Another way is to use Windows Explorer and copy the contents of …\The Journal 3\Package\ to …\The Journal 4\Package\

TIP: Getting the new Topic & Table Toolbars

The Journal 4 adds 2 new toolbars: Topic (for use with the new topics feature) and Table (for use with tables).

Unfortunately, users upgrading from The Journal 3 do not see these toolbars automatically. If you do not have these toolbars, do this:

  1. Right-click on The Journal’s main menu bar and check “Topic”.
  2. Right-click again and check “Table”.
  3. Move each toolbar where you want it by clicking on the “grab bar” at the extreme left of the toolbar and dragging. (The default location for those toolbars is on a line below the Formatting toolbar, but you can put them anywhere you want them.)

TIP: Getting the new Example Templates

The Journal 4’s “Templates” category is expanded from the earlier version. There are more of the writing prompts from the newsletter, and a new, improved food log as well as a new exercise log.

These templates are automatically loaded for new users, but if you’re upgrading from The Journal 3 you will need to do this:

  1. Make sure you don’t already have these new templates. You can check by looking in the “Templates” category. If you have the “Exercise Log” template under “Example Templates”, then you’re up to date. You don’t need to do anything.
  2. Download the updated templates:
  3. In The Journal, click on the Entry menu and choose “Import Entries…” Point it to tj4templates.jnx (on your hard drive).
  4. The easiest approach is to click on “Import All”, and let it find your “Templates” category.

NOTE: If you have modified the templates in your “Templates” category, you will want to create a temporary category (call it “New Templates”). Then you can review the imported entries. If you like them, you can drag them into your existing “Templates” category.

TIP: Features of Interest to The Journal 3 Users

This is a list of the new features that will be of significant interest to users of The Journal 3.

  • Improved Image Handling – Images saved in entries now load and save much quicker. You can insert just about any kind of image into The Journal, including digital photos up to about 3-4 megapixels (which are most often compressed JPEG images: *.JPG). You can even insert animated GIF’s, and you can add descriptions to all images (which can be searched).
  • User-Created Calendar Charms and Background Images – You can create and load your own Calendar Charms. Plus, you can create and load your own entry background images. Look in the online help under “Images” and “Using Images”.
  • Tables – Entries can now include tables with a variable number of rows and columns. More than simple grids, each table cell can contain formatted text with any number of paragraphs, including images and even other tables. Look in the online help under “Tables” and “Using Tables”.
  • Dynamic Styles – User-created styles (like “Heading 1”) now track changes. So if you change the style, any entries that use the style will reflect the new settings.
  • New Formatting Options – You can now set paragraph borders and background colors, new auto-replace options (including formatted auto-replace), a simple outline mode, and more.
  • Improved Printing – There are new printing options, and the long-awaited Print Preview.
  • Improved Searching – Searching has new options, like a date range, and a Google-like results presentation, with excerpts of found text and links to the found entries. Plus, search text is highlighted in the found entries.
  • New Category Options – The option to nest categories and sub-categories to any level (not just one level deep), “Folder Only” for categories with sub-categories, “Read Only” to make all entries un-edit-able, background image, and more.

A more complete list of what’s new in The Journal 4, with screen shots can be seen here:
What’s New in The Journal 4

I’m very excited about The Journal 4, and I’m already discovering new ways to use The Journal–both on my own and from you. I already have a list of cool and interesting Tips & Tricks to share in future newsletters.

Writing Prompts

by Susan Michael

Free Writing Exercise – Write for 20 minutes using the following as your starter, “Diamonds aren’t for giving…” Or, use, “Images are blurred…”

Poetry Exercise – Write a poem that is about the “un-truth”.

Prose Exercise – Write a short story about a woman who is antique shopping.

Journaling Exercise – Write about who you are.

Memoir Prompt – Write about your memory of a pleasant time with one or both of your parents.

About the author: Susan Michael currently facilitates the Tulsa Writers Cafe for the Arts & Humanities Council in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Ms. Michael has also led writing & creativity workshops for children, teenagers, and adults.

Submission Information

If you would like to contribute to the “How I Use The Journal”, “Writing Exercises”, or “Tips & Tricks” sections, or would like to submit an article about journaling, writing, or another The Journal-related topic, we would love to hear from you.

Submissions for the newsletter should be sent to:

If you are submitting for a particular section, please indicate which one. Try to limit your submissions to 500-1000 words. Submissions may be edited for length and content.

If you prefer to remain anonymous, please state this in the email. Otherwise your name (but not your email) will be used in the article heading.

As always, if you have any suggestions for, or bug reports about, The Journal, please feel free to email them. Both are always welcome.


Editor: David Michael (
The Journal Newsletter Copyright © 2015 by David Michael.
Updated: August 7, 2016 — 9:43 pm