DavidRM’s Photo Blog The World as Seen by Me

July 16, 2005

Zoo Friends

Filed under: Family,Grandparents,Penguins,The Kids,Tulsa,Zoo — DavidRM @ 10:00 pm

Saturday afternoon we carpooled with the grandparents to the Tulsa Zoo. Susan has a “Zoo Friends” membership, and she and the kids have been to the zoo several times already this summer. This was my first visit since probably 2003. Grandma said that in 20 years in Tulsa, she didn’t think she’d ever been to the zoo.

A monkey can't eat in peace

Stupid tourists.

Yeah. That's right. I bite.

Serene and Davis hand in hand

The otter takes his bow

Serene is a big fan of the monkey house

The koala, meal over for the day, sleeps

Grandma and Grandpa hand in hand

Conductor Penguin takes Davis under his wing

Susan smiles

Why seals have back flippers

Looking right

Zebras graze

Serene, Davis, Grandpa and Grandma

Serene and Daddy on the carrousel

You spin me right round


You figure it out

July 11, 2005

Penguin, Quilts, and Bubbles

Filed under: Family,Penguins,The Kids,Tulsa — DavidRM @ 3:12 pm

Susan needed some photographs of her quilts for the quilting class she will be teaching soon, so we set out to find a suitable location. We started at the Harwelden Mansion. We weren’t thrilled with the quilt pictures there, but I did get a chance to take my first Tulsa Penguin picture. We had better luck at the River’s Edge park. The kids played on the playground, and Susan waved bubbles around.

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