DavidRM’s Photo Blog The World as Seen by Me

April 22, 2009

We Tried to Fly a Kite

Filed under: Being Arty,Downtown,Family,Route 66,The Kids,Tulsa — DavidRM @ 12:33 am
The breeze died
Riverparks Skyline

May 27, 2006

In the Neighborhood of the Party

Filed under: Route 66,Tulsa — DavidRM @ 7:03 pm

I took these pictures at the birthday party. I walked around the neighborhood some, while the party was getting started. Since this neighborhood is just off of 11th Street, I guess they might qualify as “Route 66” pictures. I experimented with adding a bit of grain to the black and white conversions.

Orange Flower

Empty Yard, Empty Fence

Battered Mailbox


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