DavidRM’s Photo Blog The World as Seen by Me

June 4, 2005

Portraits in the Park

Filed under: Family,Grandparents,The Kids — DavidRM @ 8:00 pm

Mom & Dad asked me to take their picture at the park. So we made an afternoon of it.

May 31, 2005

Tea Party on the Lawn

Filed under: Family,Get Together,Grandparents,The Kids — DavidRM @ 3:00 pm

Grandma Mary hosted a tea party on the lawn for Serene and her second cousins.

May 28, 2005

Tulsa Rose Gardens

Filed under: Family,The Kids,Tulsa — DavidRM @ 3:07 pm

Susan, Serene & I went to the Tulsa Rose Gardens. So prepare yourself for a lot of closeups of flowers. And Serene. Plus Susan and one squirrel.

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