Tulsa Offshoots Photography Club
Susan & I have started a new photography club: the Tulsa Offshoots.
The plan is that we will get together “most Thursdays”. On these Thursdays we will meet, somewhere, either in the early AM or the late afternoon (better light then, of course) and shoot what we find.
The goal is to create interesting photographs–maybe even art. We’ll each pick a photo we think is our best from the shoot, and 2-3 “runners up”. These we’ll post to this blog.
Where we will meet, and when, will be announced on this blog a day or two prior.
So if you live in the Tulsa area and would like to participate, drop us a line, and/or just show up and shoot. We’re friendly. 🙂
would enjoy talking with other photographers as being a great hobby
it is too expensive because i keep adding to my equipment
Comment by ,MURRY JANUARY — July 31, 2008 @ 2:52 am
Sounds awesome! Unfortunately I am working during those hours! 🙁
Comment by Phillip Sumner — August 23, 2008 @ 3:01 pm
Great to hear from both of you. =)
We’ve been a bit slow getting this off the ground. Mostly we blame the heat of July. 😉 But now that I have my new camera, and my wife is using my old one–and now that the sun isn’t trying to burn us all–we’ll actually be starting.
I’m looking forward to checking out your blog, Phillip.
Comment by DavidRM — August 23, 2008 @ 3:10 pm