DavidRM’s Photo Blog The World as Seen by Me

April 29, 2007

Neighborhood Water Fight

Filed under: Family,Friends,The Kids,Tulsa — DavidRM @ 9:19 pm
Armed & Dangerous
The Wind Up
The Delivery
Of course this happened
Advancing under fire
You looking at me?
Hose sculpture
Special Delivery
Waiting in line for refills
That doesn't work--oh...
Not sure what's going on here...but Davis is in the barrel...
And of course, this happened...
Rabbit ears and rock-n-roll!

April 24, 2007

Why I Usually Avoid Lawn Work

Filed under: Eye Sores,Family,Tulsa — DavidRM @ 12:49 pm
Somehow, through a combination of fertilizer+weed killer and new grass seed … I managed to “stripe” my lawn. I’m working to correct this, but it’s just so bizarre, I wanted to Preserve the Memory. 😉
My Striped Front Lawn

April 20, 2007

Shooting Interiors

Filed under: Uncategorized — DavidRM @ 9:33 am
Shooting Interiors
Yesterday I learned some very important lessons in interior photography. My wife & I were taking pictures of houses that we were considering buying. I can’t post the pics, for obvious reasons, but I can enumerate the lessons:
  1. 18mm isn’t wide enough on a DSLR (the 1.5X crop strikes again!). I need a lens like the Nikkor 12-24mm f4 to properly shoot interior spaces.
  2. I should’ve used the mounted flash. I tried to use existing light. But even with the very bright mid-day sun coming in the windows, I was doomed.
So now I know.
But since we think we’ve found the house we want, I’m not sure I’ll be using this new information anytime soon. 😉

April 14, 2007


Filed under: Tulsa — DavidRM @ 4:22 pm

April 8, 2007

Easter Eggs and Centennial Park

Filed under: Downtown,Family,The Kids,Tulsa — DavidRM @ 10:49 pm
Choosing the Perfect Egg
Awaiting the Dye
Eggs are a Team Effort
They're Colored Eggs. Duh.
Wax On
Wax Off
Eggs in the Wild
Eggs in the Wild
Centennial Park
Lilly On the Run
Looking High, Looking Low (Heather isn't really looking)
Teenagers Always Seem So Damn *Pensive*
Heading Home after the Hunt
Centennial Park

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