DavidRM’s Photo Blog The World as Seen by Me

March 7, 2007

A Night at the Gypsy

Filed under: Downtown,Friends,Tulsa — DavidRM @ 12:11 am
I met a friend at The Gypsy Coffeehouse in downtown Tulsa tonight. I had my camera with me because I wanted to test my new 18-200 VR lens on the lights of downtown. Little did we realize, but it was “Open Mic Night” at the Gypsy. And is, every Tuesday. So I pulled out the camera and tried a few hand held low-light shots. Overall, the “VR” (vibration reduction) part of the lens did great. Now, if I could just get the people to sit *still*. I did get a few shots of the lights from outside the Gypsy. I’m planning to give downtown Tulsa a thorough night tour soon. And I’ll probably come back for another Open Mic Night, and pick me a better seat for shooting the participants.
Because, yah, some of them need to be shot.
The lady with the mic below, though, isn’t one of those. She was the gem of the evening. I wish I could remember her name.
Life at the Gypsy
No, really: The Game of Life ... at the Gypsy
The Gypsy Coffeehouse

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