DavidRM’s Photo Blog The World as Seen by Me

December 22, 2005

Some Pre-Christmas Shots

Filed under: Family,The Kids — DavidRM @ 7:36 pm

Davis & Serene

Susan, Serene, Davis & Serene's Santa Socks

December 17, 2005

Over the River and Through the Woods

Filed under: Family,Get Together — DavidRM @ 8:47 pm

Went for an early Christmas dinner at Susan’s Aunt Mary’s & Uncle Bob’s (or Sam; or Sam Bob). A few of us went trespassing–I mean, hiking.






A strange creature was seen filming in the woods


Eric (Mark & Sara's oldest)

Darrell & Eva

Allison & Serene

Sara & Baby Mark (with quilt from Susan)

Eva and Baby Darrell (with quilt from Susan)

Baby Cousins

The Shot

Off-camera Maternal Manipulation

*Now* he smiles...

Is it over? The whole flashing thing?

December 13, 2005

Shades of Dawn

Filed under: Tulsa — DavidRM @ 9:42 am

December 12, 2005

A Sunday Afternoon

Filed under: Family,Get Together,The Kids,Tulsa — DavidRM @ 12:01 am

A construction site near my folks’s house drew me over Sunday afternoon. We were over there to celebrate mine and my Mom’s birthdays.

I baked the cake (carrot cake with cream cheese frosting) and Susan decorated the table

Serene, Harison, and Lillian play a game (Taken by Susan)

December 8, 2005

It Snowed

Filed under: Family — DavidRM @ 12:11 pm

20051208-001.jpg (500x333 pixels)
20051208-002.jpg (500x332 pixels)

December 4, 2005

Serene Birthday

Filed under: Family,Friends,Get Together,Grandparents,The Kids — DavidRM @ 11:18 pm

We held Serene’s birthday party today. You had to wear pink, “or be pinched.” A couple of uncles worked out a more…manly…approach to the Hello Kitty theme.

Susan did the cake and cookies
Mother and Daughter pose with the cake

Puffy cheeks!

Hello Kitty Loot

Serene Grandma

Uncle Eric did the balloons

Harison gets excited about his new...apparatus

Rebekah Rocks!

Victoria isn't sure what she has, but she likes them

Rebekah attacked me with her helmet and balloon-saber

Uncles Duane & Eric model bootleg Kitty

Dogs bite...yeah, right...

Serene Edith & Eddie

Serene Jessica & Duane

Serene Eric & Anita

Serene Daniel & Jenny

December 2H Club

Filed under: Family,Get Together,The Kids — DavidRM @ 1:45 am

Eric & Anita hosted their second “Woodworking for Kids”, or what I call the “2H Club”.

Eric started the day with the Traditional Power Tools Safety Talk

Rebekah demonstrated why air-powered staplers have safeties

Jenny & Heather plot and scheme

Davis uses the scroll saw

Jessica & Duane help Rebekah begin sanding her puzzle

The Hello Kitty Clock takes form


Lillian lets Anita help her paint

It was supposed to be a simple wooden plane...

Everyone you see in this picture is working on the simple wooden plane...

Finally, after 8 hours, Harison shows off the completed plane

Davis shows off the Hello Kitty Clock, a birthday present for Serene

December 3, 2005

More Cornerstone Portraits

Filed under: Friends — DavidRM @ 10:46 pm

These are the last of the Cornerstone portraits. I learned a lot:
  • The lights need to be further away from the subjects.
  • 3 lights is probably better than just 2.
  • I need a background 3m x 3m to ensure full coverage.
  • Have an assistant.
  • I need a variety of neutral backgrounds that can be chosen based on hair color and clothes. The idea is to have a background that can be easily separated from the subjects.

The Snells - Retouched

December 2, 2005

More Portraits

Filed under: Friends — DavidRM @ 11:34 pm

Got a few more of the portraits ready for printing. Susan and I are getting better at using Photoshop Elements.

NOTE: These are portraits taken at the December meeting of the Cornerstone Homeshooling group.

Lisa, Jack and Davie

Marilyn, Matt, and Benjamin

The Blonde Family

Deb and Drew


Jamie, Fred and Arlo

More Portrait Taking

Filed under: Friends — DavidRM @ 3:08 pm

Yesterday I learned how much more I still have to learn about shooting portraits. Everything didn’t go exactly as planned, but I learned a lot–about lighting, and about how to salvage images with Photoshop Elements. 😉 I used Elements to replace the background I actually shot against. If you go back through the blog, you should be able to find the images I pulled them from.

Jason & Amanda

The Snells

The Lurries

Maia, Dana, and Sasha

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