DavidRM’s Photo Blog The World as Seen by Me

August 6, 2005

Davis’s Butterfly

Filed under: The Kids — DavidRM @ 12:12 pm

Davis took some pictures of a butterfly yesterday as it sampled the wildflowers growing in the backyard.

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August 5, 2005

River City Park in Sand Springs

Filed under: Family,The Kids — DavidRM @ 4:32 pm

We met my sister, Anita, for lunch in Sand Springs, and then went to the River City Park.

Davis found a swing he liked

Davis in motion

Anita shows she still knows how to use a playground

Anita shows she still knows how to use a playground

Anita shows she still knows how to use a playground

Anita shows she still knows how to use a playground

Serene enjoys the seesaw
Serene on the monkey bars

Serene getting tired of being posed

August 3, 2005

No Swans, Some Ducks, One Heron

Filed under: Family,The Kids,Tulsa — DavidRM @ 10:41 pm

“Let’s go some place photogenic,” I said. So we went to Tulsa’s Swan Lake Park. No swans, but lots of ducks and one heron. Before we left, Davis took some more pics out back, including one of Serene with her mouth full.

Serene, looking stuffed.

This bud's...weird

OK, Mom, I'm smiling

Look! It's another distraction!

Duck, duck, Serene

Eye of the heron

Duck crossing

Duck in motion

Serene flaps her wings too

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